Caitlin DeAguero
english 1-7th
While at a young age, and a tragic accident happens, this often leaves scarred for life. Struggled times not only hurt physically but also mentally. Therefore,when going through struggles, difficult times affect by, making a life or breaking a life.
At young ages trying not to show that “i’m faking this smile act.” Whether being at school or at home, breaking a life, for example, as not showing people the “weaker” side can actually make matters worse. This can happen to anyone or anywhere. Indeed, struggled times hurt but it all depends on the feelings and events this struggled person handles.
Also realize, difficult times don’t always destroy, there are some that can change someone’s life forever. Changing a life in a difficult time can make a stronger human and give unforgettable lessons learned. When a tragic experience happens it all depends on how you take it, realize god’s plan is bigger than the situation itself and know their bigger things ahead. In addition, realize everything will be okay, tend to relax and not be as stressful. Therefore, difficult times could also make you.
The effect difficult times causes is how the person’s takes it and how well they realize things happen for a reason. In conclusion, with it being mentally, or even physically something will always make or break you. But the feelings and events have to decide that.