Caitlin DeAguero
english 1-7th
Driving down White Oak Road in a brand new Bugatti, noticing the 18 wheeler next door. All of a sudden, a screech and a huge shift, the brand new car is flipped on its side. Whether driving, or being stuck in a scary situation fear can have a huge amount of affect on a person’s life. Fear can affect people’s lives by scaring them to an unknown point on what to do or just by mentally disturbing.
When caught up in a moment people tend to freeze up, go speechless, or just give up on the issue. Freezing up can cause the situation to go worse. For example, if an animal had a person life locked up in a corner with no help, there would be no time to freeze up. They would have to act fast for safety. Going speechless could ruin a very important job interview, sitting in a meeting and a boss ask a question. You freeze up, go speechless and forget the answer.
Mental fear is the strongest effecting case. It could damage a life permanently, leave a scar or weak spot. Also, mental fear disturbing connects with unreached goals in life. Whether it’s using the excuse I can’t or just being too lazy. It causes non motivation and the thought of which “I’ll never be able to do it.” Because this type of fear is mental it could haunt lives. Causing unhealthy thoughts like for example, suicidal thoughts, suicide, or deep depression.
Fear affects lives in an uncountable number of way whether it being mental or physical. The thought of a car accident or the example of an animal attack fear can haunt people an unbelievable ways.